lunedì 23 dicembre 2013

I migliori libri del 2013

Ed eccoci, anche quest'anno, a riguardare l'elenco dei libri letti e stilare la lista di quelli migliori. Grazie a goodreads il lavoro è molto semplificato rispetto al passato...Lo so che non si direbbe, ma alcuni mi hanno commossa fino ad avere le lacrime agli occhi, altri mi hanno fatto sbellicare dalle risate.
Grazie mille!


Styxx, di Sherrilyn Kenyon

Lothaire, di Kresley Cole

Dark Warrior, di Kresley Cole

Wild invitation, di Nalini Singh

On the edge, di Ilona Andrews

A dom is forever, di Lexi Blake

North of need, di Laura Kaye

Howl for it, di Shelly Laurenston

Mate claimed, di Jennifer Ashley

Fire me up, di Katie MacAlister

When he was bad, di Shelly Laurenston

Love overdue, di Pamela Morsi

Fiabe per occhi e per bocca, di Roberto Piumini

The perfect little monster, di Judy Hindley

Never too little to love, di Jeanne Willis

L'abbraccio, di David Grossman.

sabato 14 dicembre 2013

Kindling the moon, di Jenn Bennett

Kindling the Moon (Arcadia Bell, #1)Kindling the Moon by Jenn Bennett
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Premesso che
- non mi piacciono gli uomini con i baffi
- non trovo affascinanti le trasformazioni in demoni, tranne che in Kresley Cole
- non apprezzo la magia, gli incantesimi, lo spiritismo
- certi colpi di scena finali che ribaltano le prospettive mi deprimono
...ho insospettatamente trovato questo libro davvero interessante, intrigante, coinvolgente, divertente, appassionante! E' ben scritto, i personaggi sono non convenzionali, sia lui che lei che il figlio di lui, e riescono a ritagliarsi uno spazio degno di nota nel mondo nell'urban fantasy. Lei fa la barista, e ne è contenta; non è antipatica, ma alla mano, disponibile, ironica. Lui è un misantropo, ma si capisce perché, essendo (spoiler) empate. Il figlio è un adolescente: ok, abbiamo già detto tutto. Alcuni dialoghi sono impagabili, e comunque non forzati, ma naturali. Il setting e le descrizioni di luoghi ed edifici efficaci e non noiosi. C'è pure il sacerdote in pensione (che caro e sereno ometto). E complimenti per i nomi (Lon, Arcadia, Jupiter...)!

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giovedì 12 dicembre 2013

Naughty & Nice: Three Holidays Treats, di Ruthie Knox, Molly O'Keefe, Stefanie Sloane

Naughty & Nice: Three Holiday TreatsNaughty & Nice: Three Holiday Treats by Ruthie Knox
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

La cosa peggiore è la copertina. Se si riesce a ignorare quella, allora si apprezzano i tre racconti.
Per me la vera scoperta è stata Ruthie Knox. La storia che ha scritto - Room at the Inn - è interessante, delicata, coinvolgente, con personaggi e dialoghi vividi, vivaci, veri. Di solito le novelle mi lasciano un po' l'amaro in bocca, questa invece è un gioiellino fatto e finito. E poi...mi ci sono ritrovata, per certi aspetti. L'autrice dice di essersi esplicitamente ispirata al film "La vita è una cosa meravigliosa", che manca nel mio elenco dei "classici che ho visto", perciò dovrò rimediare.
La seconda storia - All I want for Christmas is You - è su due adolescenti, un po' lenta, con personaggi non memorabili. Qualche momento positivo c'è, ad esempio il dialogo fra Maddy e suo padre, ma si sente troppo che è un prequel per la serie di romanzi di Molly O'Keefe (che temo a questo punto di posticipare nel mio ordine di letture).
L'ultima storia - One perfect Christmas - è scritta da Stefanie Sloane, ed è una historical novella, il che mi ha un po' spiazzata, dato che credevo che l'antologia contenesse storie ambientate nel mondo contemporaneo. Non è male, anzi carina, divertente in certi tratti, ma forse non del tutto rifinita.
In sintesi: 5 stelle il racconto di Ruthie Knox, 3 stelle quello di Molly O'Keefe, 3 stelle e 1/2 quello di Stefanie Sloane.

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sabato 30 novembre 2013

Taken by the vampire king, di Laura Kaye

Taken by the Vampire King (Vampire Warrior Kings, #3)Taken by the Vampire King by Laura Kaye
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am a little disappointed. I love Laura Kaye, and her books are usually wonderful for me. But this...I have found it boring, and with no compelling characters. Maybe my fault, for having read first of all the third in this serie and not the first, or for expecting too much and always the best. The writing is good as is in all the books of this author, but the story is not for me. Sorry!

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giovedì 14 novembre 2013

Love and the common sense

Give the children love, more love and still more love – and the common sense will come by itself. ”  Astrid Lindgren

domenica 10 novembre 2013

Su Blackwell

L'artista inglese Su Blackwell si dedica alla creazione di libri-scultura. Mi piacciono le sue opere, perché mettono in luce la dinamica e la pluriformità dell'immaginazione che il libro dischiude, però mi lasciano con una sorta di retrogusto amaro...perché spesso le pagine non sono più leggibili, o sono utilizzate per creare, e questo mi sembra quasi depauperare il libro stesso.
E' comunque piacevole visitare il suo sito o il blog, in cui si possono ammirare le sue creazioni.

venerdì 8 novembre 2013

Tre libri per bambini

Torno a parlare di libri per bambini con gli ultimi tre libri presi in biblioteca.

Henriette Bichonnier - Pef
Che succede al mostro peloso?
Emme edizioni, San Dorligo della Valle 2008

A mio figlio piace molto, ma io non ci posso fare niente: le storie di questo mostro peloso le getterei via senza tanti problemi. Più carina la prima, per le ovvie riprese de La bella e la bestia, davvero ributtante la seconda, con un campionario di schifezze mostruose che mi disgustano. Non fa per me.


Gégoire Solotareff
3 streghe
Babalibri, Milano 2007

Questo libro, che ho preso solo perché mio figlio ha insistito ed era quasi Halloween, mi ha davvero stupita. Disegni essenziali, grafici, che un po' alla volta si conquistano la simpatia del lettore: testo ironico e divertente, semplice e con quella vena affabulatoria di chi sa parlare per i bambini. Impagabili le rime finali.


Vivian Lamarque - Maria Battaglia
Il flauto magico
Fabbri, Milano 1999

Questo volume per me ha una storia lunga.
Lo vidi, anni e anni fa, mentre studiavo a Bologna, nella famosa e stupenda Libreria Giannino Stoppani. Me ne parlò un'amica, con toni lusinghieri. Non lo comprai. Non so perché, ma temo sia stato il becco presente nei due volti in copertina. Le inquietudini dell'infanzia che ritornano? L'ignoranza in tema di opera lirica che subdolamente operava?
Nel frattempo la vita faceva il suo corso...
Finché l'anno scorso, al festiva dei burattini Arrivano dal mare, un prode burattinaio ha avuto l'ardire di mettere in scena la storia de Il flauto magico. Sono rimasta conquistata dalle musiche e dalla storia.
Quindi, appena quest'anno ho visto il libro in biblioteca, ho praticamente costretto mio figlio a prenderlo. E gliel'ho letto. E lui ha pure seguito.
Quindi non sono obiettiva nel giudicarlo. Se la storia è complessa e la necessaria riduzione ne paga le spese, le illustrazioni e il tono del racconto sono meravigliosi. Da non perdere per chi ama l'arte e la musica.

giovedì 31 ottobre 2013


I haven't read for three weeks this month. I needed a sacrifice, and few things are more loved than reading for me, so that is the reason of my absence.
Happy Halloween to all of you!

sabato 14 settembre 2013

After Moonrise, di P.C. Cast e Gena Showalter

After MoonriseAfter Moonrise by P.C. Cast
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Titolo italiano: Presenze.
Mi aspettavo molto di più. Non solo da P.C. Cast, che non conoscevo, ma su cui avevo sentito molti pareri positivi, ma anche dalla Showalter che è godibilissima quando è in forma. Qui non lo era.
Entrambe storie confuse, poco coinvolgenti, con personaggi che si dimenticano subito. L'ambientazione di indagini, serial-killer e fantasmi non fa per me, e questo è sicuramente un limite mio, ma neanche gli altri elementi delle due storie mi hanno minimamente coinvolta. Sono riuscita a finirlo, ma con grande noia.
E' sempre pericoloso comprare libri perché la copertina è bella...e ora che ne faccio di questo libro? Se qualcuno lo vuole, me lo dica.

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martedì 10 settembre 2013

La serie Shifters unbound, di Jennifer Ashley

Grazie al Read a romance month, ho scoperto o potuto apprezzare alcune autrici che prima non conoscevo o avevo sdegnato. Una delle scoperte migliori fatte finora è quella di Jennifer Ashley, che scrive sotto vari nomi d'arte, e di cui ho iniziato la serie Shifters unbound. Davvero interessante, rilassante e con elementi innovativi in un genere che rischia di ripercorrere spesso le stesse strade.

Pride Mates (Shifters Unbound, #1)Pride Mates by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was reading it at the same time as I was...trying to read "Written in red". Werewolf society and interaction with humans in both books, but in a very different way.
I have really appreciated this book. (Written in red is still unfinished...).
Except for small things that I don't like (sudden love, too short time for the story, too many smart-ass comments from Kim, not a real description of her work...) I have loved the world-building and the elements of innovation in the genre. Plus, the writing style is fresh, natural, compelling. The main and the secondary characters are interesting and likeable.
Definitly a good read!

Primal Bonds (Shifters Unbound, #2)Primal Bonds by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I didn't expect that this book was so good, because I haven't really liked Sean in the first book of the serie. But it was. The main characters, Sean and Andrea, are strong but marked by negative experiences. They really are improving themselves in building their relationship. In the first book I have found Sean not so compelling: interesting yes, but forgettable. His attitude - poor me, I have to do the hardest work - was not so charming for me. But in this book we can see a lot of other attitudes in Sean's behavior! The meeting and the interaction with Andrea draws out the best in him (and in her too!). So, this book is full of humor, ironic dialogues, teases, tension, sexiness, playfulness, sizzling chemistry, loneliness and compassion, enthralling feelings and fascinating discoveries.
The only thing that I don't like is the presence of the Fae element. I really dislike Fae stuff and not only in this book, but in all the books I have read. Ok, I admit, I have a problem with Fae. (Don't tell them.) It's really unbelievable that I don't hate Andrea, but she is a beautiful protagonist, strong and smart.
So, an involving and alluring story to read!

View all my reviews Bodyguard (Shifters Unbound, #2.5)Bodyguard by Jennifer Ashley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

It's a novella, so I have had the impression that the relationship between the main characters was not so well builded and definied as in other stories of this author. Ronan is an adorable, cute, protective Kodiak bear that has a foster home for problematic children and also works at evenings at the Shifter bar. The cubs are really loveable, most of all little Olaf. Elizabeth is a strong woman that has changed identity from a difficult past and she fiery protects her sister. Two beautiful characters, but too much action drives away time and space for the interaction and the changes that can bring to a love story. For example, I was not interested in the dynamics in the drug dealer family, but in the contrary I found really sweet the scene in which Elizabeth can finally relax thanks to Ronan snoring (!), feeling secure and protected for the first time in her life.
Ronan is good, but my bear-of-the-heart will always be Crush from "Bear meets girl"...sorry. But if you want to try this serie and have not the time to read a complete novel, this novella can be a good start.

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lunedì 9 settembre 2013

Love overdue, di Pamela Morsi

Love OverdueLove Overdue by Pamela Morsi
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 stars for the cover, the preview and my expectation! I'm so fond of Pamela Morsi's books! (Written in may)

(Written in september) Well, now I have read it, and for me it's very good. I have loved all the characters, from the dog to the various people in this little town. I have loved so much some scenes: the scene in the wheat field, the retold words about the moon (my God, I understand so well why DJ reacts in that way!), the first meeting between the two at Padre Island, the harvest, the little chatting of the people! And the characters are very vividly described: the strenght and sorrow of Viv, the memory of his father's words and the sense of responsability of Scott, the little girl in the library, the lesbian couple, the ex-soldier with a lot of issues, the autistic library-worker...
Pamela Morsi has the talent to describe a real world, not with abstract concepts, but in the day-to-day routine, not with some epic demonstration, but in the minute and detailed telling. She describes life as it is, with an empathetic eye. And I like her way so much!
There are some humorous moments too. The dialogues are amazingly natural, realistic, enthralling. And, for me, the idea of denominating chapters with the nomenclature of Dewey sistem is wonderful!
I have also no complaint about the ending. Yes, it seems a little abrupt for the reader, but I have taken it as a sign of honesty from the author (NOT ALL has to be told, surely we have to respect the perspective of the author) and as...a sign of trust and reliance in the readers. Like to say: you are not a passive reader, have you not a mind, some imagination? So, I have appreciated this ending, perfect for two characters so private and introverted as Scott and DJ.
English words for this book: sparkle, wheat, library.

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domenica 1 settembre 2013

Romance, ever again

Some critics argue that romance novels teach young girls impossible ideas about love. And while I’ll admit that my nine-year-old daughter will not marry a Viking or a medieval warrior, there are other, more important messages that I hope she’ll gain from reading romances. First, that men who treat women badly are not heroes—they’re the villains. Second, although the path to love may be rocky, real love does exist, and sometimes it’s not with the person you expect. Last, my favorite books taught me to wait for the right man and to hold high standards. I’ve been married to my own romance hero for nearly fifteen years now, and he continues to surprise me by sending romantic text messages or by getting me flowers for no reason at all. I hope that one day my daughter will find her own happy ending with the perfect hero.

Michelle Willingham

I’m a public librarian by training, so I’m no stranger to stereotypes. I know you’ve heard them, too. Librarians are all shy, repressed, buttoned-up. We all wear buns, cardigans, and pointy glasses, and we all live alone with our pampered cats. Our favorite word is Shush. And so on.
But the stereotypes about romance writers and readers? Nothing in my librarian days quite prepared me for those. I won’t try to list them all, but the one that frustrates me the most is the frequent assertion (from genuinely concerned individuals, I’m sure) that romance novels give readers “unrealistic ideas” about life and love.
Now I’ll be the first to admit, the romance genre has its share of—shall we say, loveable quirks. Do that many men really smell like sandalwood? Maybe not. As a writer, I enjoy exploring the playful, even absurd side of love and relationships—because my real life has more than its share of absurdity. (Don’t ask me about my husband, our first date, and a collision with a flagpole.)
(…) As for those “unrealistic” charges—we’re talking about commitment, not unicorns. The day a committed romantic relationship becomes an “unrealistic” ending is the day I permanently move to Fantasyland. (Luckily, I’m ten minutes from Anaheim. It’s just down the road.)

Tessa Dare

I found some important messages in the pages of those books. I continue to love and read romance to this day. Romance matters? Absolutely. Here’s what I’ve learned, and why I love nothing more than sinking into a romance:
People—good people—can have flaws, and that doesn’t make them bad. For someone who is a perfectionist (me!) and who mentally beats herself up if not careful (me!) it was life-changing to read about characters who weren’t perfect. Yet, I adored and rooted for them just the same. Who knew? It’s okay to not be perfect.
People can grow and learn. In fact, if a person does learn a lesson and evolve from mistakes, then they aren’t really mistakes. Characters in romances—unlike many people in real life—don’t always have to be “right.” They listen. Sure, some remain stubborn, but at least they contemplate. They find hope and work toward love.
Redemption is possible. There is always hope. I believe we can’t hear those two messages enough in today’s world. After I finish a romance, some of the challenges of the day or week are erased from my heart. Reading romance is good for the soul.
Women can have cool careers. From smoke jumpers to doctors, entrepreneurs who are passionate about their businesses, sculptors, artists, photographers, journalists, architects, and moms (and the list goes on)—these women make their own decisions and find fulfillment in many ways, including believing they will end up with the love of their life. These women don’t settle for second best in anything. Including love.
Women have the power to be happy and make their own decisions. Women can call the shots. Women can walk away and say no. Women can say yes! Women can forgive (including themselves!) and find the love they know they deserve.

Kathy Steffen

When I first started writing romance I kept it a secret. I was an English teacher with a higher degree and any writing I might do was supposed to be “serious” and “literary”. I knew I would cop a lot of flack from friends and work colleagues.
But I loved writing my stories, and when my first book was published I started telling people. From then on the jokes flew thick and fast. You? Writing romance? That rubbish? What a joke! Yeah, right. Hilarious.
Beneath the “fun” and “joking”, there was a good deal of scorn for the genre I’d chosen to write in. Writing crime fiction would be far more respectable, apparently. What does it say about our society that books about murder are more highly regarded than books that celebrate love?
Of course, none of these people had read any of my books. They didn’t need to — they knew what they were like. They’d ask, “When are you going to write a real book?” or “Are you still writing those little books?”  My books are about 100,000 words, so by “little” they didn’t mean length, but that the books were trivial.
I tried not to let it get to me, but sometimes it did.
A letter from a reader changed my attitude. This letter:
Dear AnneI have just finished your novella The Virtuous Widow and I had to write to say how much I loved it.  I don’t usually read historical romances, but I got a collection called Regency Brides with another collection and decided to keep it. I have a lot of time to read now.  Up until May 10th this year I was a 24 hour carer for my dad but he died on that day.  Just last week I was told that I have a degenerative spinal disease (my spine is crumbling) and I will be in a wheelchair in the future. My husband is disabled and we have 2 sons aged 5 and 8.  Because they need me, I usually tend to my own pain control at night time when I do most of my reading.  I really couldn’t put your book down until I had finished it.  It took my mind off everything that has happened, and took me back to Ellie and Amy’s home.
I intend to look for some other books of yours at my local library as this story really whetted my appetite.  Up until I started this, I hadn’t been able to settle to read, but this story got me going again. Thank you.
It was my first piece of hard evidence that romance matters. Really matters.
When we’re struggling through hard times, or needing escape, or hope, or reassurance or simple entertainment, how fabulous that we can find it in a romance novel.
Never doubt that romance matters. It does.

It’s also fun! And that’s an unbeatable combination.

Anne Gracie

No matter who you are, no matter where you are, love can find its way into your heart, and it doesn’t discriminate. It happens to almost everyone. Pair-bonding is one of the most basic, strongest instincts we possess, and romance novels tap into that primitive part of us that wants to be reminded that we all deserve someone in our life who cares for us unconditionally.
We want to be reminded that the world can be a sucky place, but there’s beauty there too.

Larissa Ione

In romance novels, we walk avenues closed to us in real lives, heading out on a journey of  both discovery and sacrifice, a love story where everything is hyperbolized, the men manlier, the women more vibrant, colors richer, the dialogue wittier, the passion stronger, the sex better.
And because this is the written word, every reader subtly changes and molds the story they read by becoming an essential part of it. It is the individual reader’s personal history that informs every scene. Your imagination provides the background noise in a ballroom, the quality of light in a predawn love scene, the timbre of the hero’s voice, the scent in a night blooming garden. A romance novel not invites only reader participation; it relies on it.

Connie Brockway

They were “just for fun,” but during one really, really hard year, they were the only thing that kept me from completely losing my ability to function as a human being. They reminded me that there were good people and normal human interaction was something to be prized—that what I was experiencing was abnormal and that it would get better.
In short, it was a sociological study, but it was one of myself, not some “other women” who read romance novels. I stopped asking, “Why do some women read romances?” and started asking, “Why do I care what the guy at the register thinks?”
Maybe he would think that I’m not that smart because I read romances…but I don’t know him, and I don’t really care what he thinks. And even if I did, buying a bunch of books I didn’t want to read was a really stupid way to prove that I was smart. Once I accepted that about myself—that I loved romance novels and that wasn’t going to change—I was 100% happier. I stopped coming up with excuses for reading the books I did, and started coming up with reasons for loving them.
I love romance novels because they are about big things and small things: about politics and life and cancer and war, and about home and hearth and making a perfect cookie, sometimes in the same book. They’re a reminder that not everything important is frontpage news—and, in fact, some of the most important things are details. They’re about the importance of building community.
And—yes—in a weird, meta way, romances taught me to be okay with reading romances. They’re about learning to be honest with yourself, and loving the person you are, not the person other people want you to be.

Courtney Milan

venerdì 30 agosto 2013

Sognando te e L'amante di Lady Sophia, di Lisa Kleypas

Sognando teSognando te by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

E' il primo libro di Lisa Kleypas che leggo. L'ho apprezzato, soprattutto per la definizione non scontata dei personaggi, davvero ben rifiniti e originali. La trama, invece, ha avuto alcuni "colpi di scena" davvero prevedibili e alcune "coincidenze" troppo tirate. La conclusione mi ha ricordato un altro romanzo che lessi anni fa (il cui titolo andrò a cercare...l'elemento comune è l'ex di tuo marito che dà fuoco alla bellissima casa di tuo marito, che toh, in quel libro si chiamava Villa Craven, come il cognome del protagonista di questo). A parte questi elementi, però, è davvero un bel romanzo.

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L'amante di Lady SophiaL'amante di Lady Sophia by Lisa Kleypas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Mi dispiace, ma, a differenza di tante persone, non sono riuscita a connettere con questi personaggi, né con la loro storia. Il libro è indiscutibilmente scritto bene, ma non mi ha fatto battere un palpito di cuore più del necessario. In alcuna scena. Non vi ho trovato suspance, romanticismo, profondità, sensualità particolari. Tutto mi è sembrato estremamente piatto. Proverò a leggere qualcosa di contemporaneo in lingua originale, chissà che finalmente anch'io non capisca questo sviscerato amore che le lettrici hanno per le sue storie.

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